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Distant Reiki Healing

Distant Reiki Healing. 30 mins £37

If one thing good that has come from Covid 19, is many people have become aware of the need to seek therapies, to help them cope with the fear and isolation that the lock downs have brought us. Reiki has been the ideal therapy to help with these emotions and energy depletions on both a physical and psychological level.

Reiki can be given virtually both safely and effectively from where I am, to you in your own home. Reiki Distant Healing knows no boundaries so can be given anywhere in the world.

We both choose a mutual time when you won’t be disturbed and you can create a peaceful setting, like playing some soft music, bringing in a crystal, lighting some incense or finding somewhere to lie comfortably. Again you may feel warmth or tingling or even fall asleep. After allowing you time to ‘come round’, I can send you my findings eg ‘do you have a bad knee?’ We may chat or I can message you and you send me your feedback.

Here are a few testimonies from clients who used the opportunity of Distant Reiki Healing during lockdown.

I enjoyed some distant healing from Julie, I felt like I was there with her doing a Reiki treatment. I was completely relaxed and could feel the heat on my face and head to start with. Then I had a feeling that my left leg was being pulled. Julie call me after to give me feedback on what she connected with and I gave my feedback. I was amazed she felt what I did. I would highly recommend to anyone wishing to have treatment and not able to get out. Many thanks Julie, real healing hands.

“I have been having regular reiki treatments for the last few years from Julie and each time I experienced feelings of warmth, pressure and saw various colours during my treatments. Due to the pandemic I have tried distance Reiki treatment, I was sceptical as to how my chakras could be charged without her being there but sure enough within a minute of her starting the treatment I experienced the same feelings as if it was a face to face appointment. The feedback Julie gave by the text message afterwards was a fortune telling session as it all came true a week later! Will definitely be having another one whilst the

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